Poster of Cast and Crew in The Nerdist - Season 2 - Episode 6 - Tribute To Television

The Nerdist - Season 2 - Tribute To Television (Episode 6)

Plot: Psst – guys – look! Chris Hardwick is right here on your television set! He’s here to bring you “The Nerdist” show, and it’s chock full of delicacies to put in your eye holes! And speaking of eye-holes – we’re talking to two big stars of television and film on this show! We bet you’ve seen Jack McBrayer and Eliza Dushku with your very own eye-holes, haven’t you? Jack McBrayer talks to “The Nerdist” boys about “30 Rock” and Disney’s love letter to video games –”Wreck-It-Ralph. ” Eliza reminds us that we’re all mortal and growing older by the second when she talks about the 20 year anniversary of “True Lies
Episode Aired On:
Saturday, May 4 2013
11 years ago