Plot: Up and up they go, and then down and down: Cloyd and Gidney are out of fuel, or is that fudge cake? Because Boris and Natasha have absconded with their last fuel tank, the moon men have no choice but to tell Rocky the recipe, and they're just one ingredient short: mooseberry juice, which grows in only one place in the entire nation, and that hard-to-find spot just happens to be Rocky and Bullwinkle's hometown, *Frostbite Falls, Minnesota* (population twenty-three).
Meanwhile, Boris and Natasha, those two creeps in the deep, board a midget submarine

The Bullwinkle Show - Season 1 - Jet Fuel Formula (10) - Hello Out There! or There's No Place Like Space (Episode 25)
Episode Aired On:
Thursday, December 17 1959
65 years ago
Thursday, December 17 1959
65 years ago