Plot: Welcome to the 64th Episode of Collider’s Heroes, hosted by Jon Schnepp, with guests John Campea, Robert Meyer Burnett, and Comic Book Girl 19! On this episode of Collider’s Heroes (Wednesday July 6th, 2016) we discuss:
-Justice League to feature New Gods?
-13 foot Captain America statue to be erected in Brooklyn for 75th anniversary
-Remembering the very first Lois Lane, Noel Neill
-Minor Mutations
-Flashback: Catwoman
-Spotlight: Longshot
-Twitter questions Justice League & The New Gods
With the Justice League over a year and a half away, let’s talk about the clues, the hints, the facts and the realities that have been set up so far. Are we going to see Superman and Green Lantern? How will the Flash serve the storyline? What does Cyborg have to do with the Mother Boxes? Will the New Gods be the main storyline, or will it be the battle with the Amazonians and the Atlanteans? How does Steepenwolf and Darkseid factor into all this? Let’s start to make some educated guesses
Collider Heroes - Season 1 - Collider Heroes Episode 64 (Episode 64)
Episode Aired On:
Wednesday, July 6 2016
8 years ago
Wednesday, July 6 2016
8 years ago