Plot: Here he illuminates the period from 1776 to 2000 through a variety of historical themes, including Victorian advances in technology and industry, women's increasing role in society, and the burgeoning British Empire which promised civilisation and material betterment for all. This volume also looks at key characters from the period, including Wordsworth, Burke, Queen Victoria, Churchill, and Orwell, whilst examining some lesser-known lives, such as Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, the first woman doctor, and Mary Seacole, a Jamaican nurse in the Crimea

A History Of Britain - The Fate of Empire
First Episode Aired On:
Tuesday, May 28 2002
22 years ago
Tuesday, May 28 2002
22 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Tuesday, June 18 2002
22 years ago
Tuesday, June 18 2002
22 years ago
Number of Episodes: 4