Poster of Tokei Maru

Tokei Maru

Plot: Almost a century has passed since the tragic events that led to the expatriation of Asia Minor’s Greek population and the Great fire of Smyrna, this animation pays homage to the brave Japanese captain of the cargo ship Tokei Maru, who let go of the ship’s valuable merchandise in order to save the Ionian refugees from drowning. An act of sheer heroism that is threatened to fall into historical oblivion
Release Date: Monday, May 14 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Zahos SamoladasZahos Samoladas
Zahos Samoladas was
50 in Tokei Maru
as 'Director, Writer'
Sat, Aug 26 1967
Portrait of Ryan CamusRyan Camus
Ryan Camus was
>> in Tokei Maru
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday