Poster of Collapse: How the Towers Fell

Collapse: How the Towers Fell

Plot: A look at the World Trade Center towers from an engineering perspective. Explanations about why the Twin Towers were constructed the way they were, and how those design choices contributed to their inevitable collapse on 11 September 2001
Release Date: Monday, September 8 2003
21 years ago
Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Joe FerulloJoe FerulloJoe Ferullo was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Peter ReissPeter ReissPeter Reiss was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Field Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jon SchriberJon SchriberJon Schriber was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kathy AbbottKathy AbbottKathy Abbott was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carol WilliamsCarol WilliamsCarol Williams was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jonathan DamourJonathan DamourJonathan Damour was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrea SkipperAndrea SkipperAndrea Skipper was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David CorvoDavid CorvoDavid Corvo was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephen ReverandStephen ReverandStephen Reverand was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bernie JelligBernie JelligBernie Jellig was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacob SeligmannJacob SeligmannJacob Seligmann was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of W. Clark BuntingW. Clark BuntingW. Clark Bunting was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Executive In Charge Of Post Production'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bruce BurgerBruce BurgerBruce Burger was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Additional Editing'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Don ScoreDon ScoreDon Score was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Additional Editing'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sydni DreherSydni DreherSydni Dreher was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rob AllenRob AllenRob Allen was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Additional Editing'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Linda DiehlLinda DiehlLinda Diehl was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Additional Editing'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sharon ScottSharon ScottSharon Scott was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Executive In Charge Of Post Production'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leah BankstonLeah BankstonLeah Bankston was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Production Coordinator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve BurnsSteve BurnsSteve Burns was >> in Collapse: How the Towers Fell as 'Head of Production'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday