Poster of The Ivasyuk phenomenon

The Ivasyuk phenomenon

Plot: ‘The Ivasyuk Phenomenon is a documentary video essay that has been created over the past three months. In the video, we will introduce you to Volodymyr Ivasyuk, a young, creative and stylish musician, as well as his songs, which changed the rules of the game in the music scene and still sound great today
Release Date: Tuesday, May 30 2023
1 year ago
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Portrait of Svyatoslav VakarchukSvyatoslav VakarchukSvyatoslav Vakarchuk was 48 in The Ivasyuk phenomenon as 'self'.
Birthday: Thu, May 15 1975


Portrait of Станіслав ВесельськийСтаніслав ВесельськийСтаніслав Весельський was >> in The Ivasyuk phenomenon as 'Creator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vitalii HordiienkoVitalii HordiienkoVitalii Hordiienko was 24 in The Ivasyuk phenomenon as 'Creator'
Birthday: Sat, Oct 10 1998
Portrait of Станіслав ВесельськийСтаніслав ВесельськийСтаніслав Весельський was >> in The Ivasyuk phenomenon as 'Creator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday