Poster of The Rebel

The Rebel

Plot: The adventures of Guido Picelli, a man who was a leading light in the history of twentieth-century Italy and Europe. Guido Picelli fought untiringly for the affirmation of social justice and opposed every form of totalitarianism
Release Date: Thursday, June 2 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Valerio MastandreaValerio Mastandrea
Valerio Mastandrea was
39 in The Rebel
as 'Narratore'.
Mon, Feb 14 1972
Portrait of Francesco PannofinoFrancesco Pannofino
Francesco Pannofino was
52 in The Rebel
as 'Narratore'.
Fri, Nov 14 1958


Portrait of Giancarlo BocchiGiancarlo Bocchi
Giancarlo Bocchi was
>> in The Rebel
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday