Poster of Sweet Potato Pie

Sweet Potato Pie

Plot: Taking its cue from the successful American Pie franchise, Dale Steely's sex comedy Sweet Potato Pie follows the exploits of three friends named Chuck, Perry, and Trey. The threesome set out on a road trip in order to try and shed their pesky virginity, and end up involved with a sexually seasoned woman named Anaconda, a horny and very overweight neighbor, and the title food
Release Date: Sunday, July 4 2004
20 years ago
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Portrait of Marc 7Marc 7
Marc 7 was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Perry'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of SaafirSaafir
Saafir was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Mike Cappelo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mr. Short KhopMr. Short Khop
Mr. Short Khop was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Neal (Cameraman)'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maia CampbellMaia Campbell
Maia Campbell was
27 in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Kadja'.
Fri, Nov 26 1976
Portrait of Edward Fordham, Jr.Edward Fordham, Jr.
Edward Fordham, Jr. was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Frostman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kimberly LaRae BowieKimberly LaRae Bowie
Kimberly LaRae Bowie was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Anaconda'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kizzy AmosKizzy Amos
Kizzy Amos was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Tikia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of TrinaTrina
Trina was
29 in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Regina'.
Tue, Dec 03 1974
Portrait of Dawn Marie GuestDawn Marie Guest
Dawn Marie Guest was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Masonia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of M.J. CerarM.J. Cerar
M.J. Cerar was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Shawana'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of M.J. GeorgeM.J. George
M.J. George was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Cop'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nikki JordanNikki Jordan
Nikki Jordan was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Tameka'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brea JoesphBrea Joesph
Brea Joesph was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Rainbow'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Krystale MarieKrystale Marie
Krystale Marie was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Tishona'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Enjoli RountreeEnjoli Rountree
Enjoli Rountree was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Lingerie Girl'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mya ShyMya Shy
Mya Shy was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Tequila'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Dale StellyDale Stelly
Dale Stelly was
>> in Sweet Potato Pie
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday