Poster of Montréal en deux

Montréal en deux

Plot: What do we say to each other when it's over ? A man and a woman decide to split the city in two to avoid any possibility of running into each other. Or is it to better remember ?
Release Date: Saturday, February 3 2024
1 year ago
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Portrait of Tiphaine RaffierTiphaine RaffierTiphaine Raffier was >> in Montréal en deux
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Toby Andris CayouetteToby Andris CayouetteToby Andris Cayouette was >> in Montréal en deux
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Angélique DanielAngélique DanielAngélique Daniel was >> in Montréal en deux as 'Producer, Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Émilie LamotteÉmilie LamotteÉmilie Lamotte was >> in Montréal en deux as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday