Poster of Brolga


Plot: In a ravaged future-Australia, a solitary hermit guarding a priceless treasure is forced to offer sanctuary to a young girl who is fleeing murderous scavengers. With danger around every corner, can they learn to survive together?
Release Date: Friday, September 6 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of James SaundersJames Saunders
James Saunders was
>> in Brolga
as 'The Storyteller'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tiarnie CouplandTiarnie Coupland
Tiarnie Coupland was
>> in Brolga
as 'The Visitor'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James ShepherdJames Shepherd
James Shepherd was
>> in Brolga
as 'The Scavenger'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kate AustinKate Austin
Kate Austin was
>> in Brolga
as 'The Survivor'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel BuntonDaniel Bunton
Daniel Bunton was
>> in Brolga
as 'Second Scavenger'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Adrian PowersAdrian Powers
Adrian Powers was
>> in Brolga
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday