Poster of Ume Goyomi

Ume Goyomi

Plot: The main story concerns the rivalry between Adakichi and Yonehachi, two geisha of the Fukagawa district of Edo, for the love of the handsome and gentle Tanjirô. This situation gives rise to a number of highly entertaining scenes when, for example, in a fit of jealous rage Yonehachi tramples on the brand new haori coat that Adakichi has just presented to Tanjirô, or when, by way of revenge, Adakichi manages to beat Yonehachi over the head with a geta clog in an amusing parody from the famous highlight from "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie"
Release Date: Wednesday, December 1 2004
20 years ago
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Portrait of Tamasaburo BandoTamasaburo Bando
Tamasaburo Bando was
54 in Ume Goyomi
Tue, Apr 25 1950
