Poster of No Man's Land

No Man's Land

Plot: Parisian Rita Kato follows a letter from her friend Masao Sato to Tokyo, but discovers that a new tenant is already living at the sender's address, the slacker Takeshi, called Golgo after the contract killer protagonist from Takao Saitō's long-lived manga series Golgo 13. Apathetically, the two squats on each other for a few days until Rita sets off again and is bagged on the way back by the petty criminal Kiyomi in a stolen car
Release Date: Saturday, May 18 1991
33 years ago
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Portrait of Takeshi ItōTakeshi Itō
Takeshi Itō was
29 in No Man's Land
Fri, Feb 09 1962 –
Sun, Sep 07 2014
Portrait of Kiyomi ItōKiyomi Itō
Kiyomi Itō was
32 in No Man's Land
Sun, Apr 05 1959
Portrait of Kazuhiro SanoKazuhiro Sano
Kazuhiro Sano was
>> in No Man's Land
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mami OgawaMami Ogawa
Mami Ogawa was
>> in No Man's Land
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Takahisa ZezeTakahisa Zeze
Takahisa Zeze was
30 in No Man's Land
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Tue, May 24 1960
Portrait of Kōichi SaitōKōichi Saitō
Kōichi Saitō was
>> in No Man's Land
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shōji SakaiShōji Sakai
Shōji Sakai was
>> in No Man's Land
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shinichi HayashiShinichi Hayashi
Shinichi Hayashi was
>> in No Man's Land
as 'Lighting Technician'
Unknown Birthday