Poster of Disgrace


Plot: Milo, a rebellious young child, has been experimenting with different outlets for his angst and budding sexuality. When Milo's worn-out and irritable father discovers a disturbing secret of his son's, he takes his son's punishment too far - creating unfortunate consequences for the whole family
Release Date: Friday, December 20 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Devin DruidDevin Druid
Devin Druid was
15 in Disgrace
as 'Milo'.
Tue, Jan 27 1998
Portrait of Aidan FiskeAidan Fiske
Aidan Fiske was
10 in Disgrace
as 'Nick'.
Wed, Apr 23 2003
Portrait of Steven OggSteven Ogg
Steven Ogg was
40 in Disgrace
as 'The Father'.
Sun, Nov 04 1973
Portrait of Amber BogdewieczAmber Bogdewiecz
Amber Bogdewiecz was
>> in Disgrace
as 'The Mother'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of J. Casey ModdernoJ. Casey Modderno
J. Casey Modderno was
>> in Disgrace
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday