Poster of Bon Appétit

Bon Appétit

Plot: Bon Appétit is just an attempt to take viewers into a moody narrative, a glimpse into two people and their innermost secrets and demons that lie in closets and the possibilities of what might happen to them when they are left to isolate.
Release Date: Friday, March 19 2021
4 years ago
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Portrait of Arpita BanerjeeArpita BanerjeeArpita Banerjee was >> in Bon Appétit as 'The Girl'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shantanu DivechaShantanu DivechaShantanu Divecha was >> in Bon Appétit as 'The Guy'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Nabil SolankiNabil SolankiNabil Solanki was >> in Bon Appétit as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ishani BanerjeeIshani BanerjeeIshani Banerjee was >> in Bon Appétit as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday