Poster of There Lived a Doctor

There Lived a Doctor

Plot: A young doctor Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaostrovtsev, a fourth generation medical professional, found himself in the Gladuny village directly after the Institute. Neither he himself, nor his father, a town surgeon, expected that he would linger long their
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 1983
40 years ago
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Portrait of Alexandr TkachenokAlexandr Tkachenok
Alexandr Tkachenok was
33 in There Lived a Doctor
Mon, Nov 20 1950
Portrait of Tamara LebedevaTamara Lebedeva
Tamara Lebedeva was
36 in There Lived a Doctor
Mon, Nov 24 1947
Portrait of Tatyana RasskazovaTatyana Rasskazova
Tatyana Rasskazova was
25 in There Lived a Doctor
Mon, Jun 09 1958
Portrait of Tatyana KulishTatyana Kulish
Tatyana Kulish was
31 in There Lived a Doctor
Sun, May 04 1952 –
Sat, Aug 07 2010
Portrait of Tatyana BaltushevichTatyana Baltushevich
Tatyana Baltushevich was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nikolai BerezinNikolai Berezin
Nikolai Berezin was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sergey KoshoninSergey Koshonin
Sergey Koshonin was
25 in There Lived a Doctor
Fri, Apr 11 1958


Portrait of Vyacheslav SorokinVyacheslav Sorokin
Vyacheslav Sorokin was
39 in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Director'
Thu, Feb 03 1944
Portrait of Yuri VorontsovYuri Vorontsov
Yuri Vorontsov was
46 in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Director of Photography'
Tue, Mar 23 1937 –
Fri, Dec 20 2002
Portrait of Dmitri PritulaDmitri Pritula
Dmitri Pritula was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Edgar DubrovskyEdgar Dubrovsky
Edgar Dubrovsky was
51 in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Writer'
Wed, Mar 16 1932 –
Thu, Dec 29 2016
Portrait of Aleksandr MnatsakanyanAleksandr Mnatsakanyan
Aleksandr Mnatsakanyan was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Original Music Composer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leonid ShumyacherLeonid Shumyacher
Leonid Shumyacher was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vladimir BannykhVladimir Bannykh
Vladimir Bannykh was
>> in There Lived a Doctor
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday