Poster of The Fox - Traces of the Past

The Fox - Traces of the Past

Plot: Anne Marie Fuchs' ex-husband Konrad Gelden was shot dead in his villa. This shatters the private detective's hope of solving the riddle of the disappearance of her son Florian
Release Date: Thursday, May 17 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Florian BartholomäiFlorian Bartholomäi
Florian Bartholomäi was
31 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Florian Boehm'.
Sat, Jan 10 1987
Portrait of Jasmin SchwiersJasmin Schwiers
Jasmin Schwiers was
35 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Simone Papst'.
Wed, Aug 11 1982
Portrait of Karim CherifKarim Cherif
Karim Cherif was
40 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Youssef El Kilali'.
Tue, May 31 1977
Portrait of Torsten MichaelisTorsten Michaelis
Torsten Michaelis was
57 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Olaf Ruhleben'.
Tue, Jan 31 1961
Portrait of Lina WendelLina Wendel
Lina Wendel was
53 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Anne Marie Fuchs'.
Fri, Jan 01 1965
Portrait of Liz BaffoeLiz Baffoe
Liz Baffoe was
48 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Dorothea Liess'.
Sun, Jul 06 1969
Portrait of Judith BohleJudith Bohle
Judith Bohle was
>> in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Pauline Falck'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robert DölleRobert Dölle
Robert Dölle was
47 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Ralf Eisner'.
Fri, Jan 01 1971
Portrait of Sahin EryilmazSahin Eryilmaz
Sahin Eryilmaz was
34 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Ömer'.
Tue, Feb 07 1984
Portrait of Sara FazilatSara Fazilat
Sara Fazilat was
31 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Saida'.
Mon, Feb 23 1987
Portrait of Ulli SchmissatUlli Schmissat
Ulli Schmissat was
>> in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Konrad Gelden'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Katja HeinrichKatja Heinrich
Katja Heinrich was
43 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Frau Wieland'.
Wed, Jan 01 1975
Portrait of Stephanie KämmerStephanie Kämmer
Stephanie Kämmer was
41 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Haushälterin'.
Sat, Jan 01 1977
Portrait of Heike Thiem-SchneiderHeike Thiem-Schneider
Heike Thiem-Schneider was
57 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Frau Boehm'.
Sun, Oct 02 1960
Portrait of Petra KalkutschkePetra Kalkutschke
Petra Kalkutschke was
57 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Frau Kubisch'.
Sun, Jan 01 1961
Portrait of Martin GeisenMartin Geisen
Martin Geisen was
>> in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Markus Gelden'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael Che KochMichael Che Koch
Michael Che Koch was
44 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Pförtner Kowalewski'.
Thu, Oct 25 1973


Portrait of Sabine DerflingerSabine Derflinger
Sabine Derflinger was
55 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Director'
Tue, Jan 01 1963
Portrait of Eva TestorEva Testor
Eva Testor was
51 in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Director of Photography'
Sun, Jan 01 1967
Portrait of Ralf KinderRalf Kinder
Ralf Kinder was
>> in The Fox - Traces of the Past
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday