Poster of Yanni: Tribute

Yanni: Tribute

Plot: Tribute pays musical homage to India on several songs; Greek-born composer and keyboardist Yanni describes the album as a tribute to the builders of the Taj and the Forbidden City, as well as to the people of India and China. Yanni's ethereal keyboard work is backed by orchestra, vocalists, a choir, and various world instruments including didgeridoo, duduk, charango, and bamboo saxophone
Release Date: Monday, June 16 1997
27 years ago
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Portrait of YanniYanniYanni was 42 in Yanni: Tribute
Birthday: Sun, Nov 14 1954
Portrait of Ramon StagnaroRamon StagnaroRamon Stagnaro was >> in Yanni: Tribute
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of George VerasGeorge VerasGeorge Veras was >> in Yanni: Tribute as 'Production Executive, Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday