Poster of Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra

Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra

Plot: An astronaut recreating Mars conditions in the US desert is saved by a couple of passing immigrants. A deadly negotiation ensues over the astronaut’s water, vital for both the astronaut’s humanity-saving mission and the immigrants’ hopes to survive their journey
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Ptolemy SlocumPtolemy Slocum
Ptolemy Slocum may be
49+ in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Marcel'.
Thu, Nov 20 1975
Portrait of Gabriel RomeroGabriel Romero
Gabriel Romero may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Rodrigo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jorlhey NoveloJorlhey Novelo
Jorlhey Novelo may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Inés'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Pablo Riesgo AlmonacidPablo Riesgo Almonacid
Pablo Riesgo Almonacid may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pablo CerveraPablo Cervera
Pablo Cervera may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mon CastroMon Castro
Mon Castro may be
26+ in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Producer'
Sat, Jan 24 1998
Portrait of Gabriel GutierrezGabriel Gutierrez
Gabriel Gutierrez may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joseph MurphyJoseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marko AlonsoMarko Alonso
Marko Alonso may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrés Domit del ValleAndrés Domit del Valle
Andrés Domit del Valle may be
>> in Cuando Volvimos A La Tierra
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday