Goga BarbakadzeGoga Barbakadze was >> in The house that slipped through the window as 'Kukuri'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nina AnaniashviliNina Ananiashvili was >> in The house that slipped through the window as 'Kukuri's wife'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Giogi (Jaba) KiladzeGiogi (Jaba) Kiladze was 32 in The house that slipped through the window
Birthday: Mon, Aug 24 1981
Nika TsulukidzeNika Tsulukidze was >> in The house that slipped through the window
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Slava NatenadzeSlava Natenadze was >> in The house that slipped through the window
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Avtandil VarsimashviliAvtandil Varsimashvili was >> in The house that slipped through the window as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday