Poster of The Farm

The Farm

Plot: Mickey and Juliet, a young couple on the run from a vicious gang of drug dealers arrive at a deserted farm in the countryside near Cork, aiming to flee the country by ferry the following day. The farm is apparently inhabited by only one man, a 20 year old called John
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Louise CarginLouise Cargin
Louise Cargin was
>> in The Farm
as 'Juliet'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robert D. DonohoeRobert D. Donohoe
Robert D. Donohoe was
>> in The Farm
as 'Charlie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Neill FlemingNeill Fleming
Neill Fleming was
>> in The Farm
as 'Jonathan Nolan'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Dáire McNabDáire McNab
Dáire McNab was
>> in The Farm
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday