Poster of One Dollar

One Dollar

Plot: In the aftermath of Australia's marriage equality marches, a young queer woman has her date interrupted by a homeless man after accidentally dropping a dollar into his coffee cup. This sets off a chain of events that sees her dragging him around the city in a bid to buy him a new one and eventually forcing the two to bond for the briefest of moments
Release Date: Sunday, September 1 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Kiloran HiscockKiloran Hiscock
Kiloran Hiscock was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Reina'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lee MasonLee Mason
Lee Mason was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Homeless man'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tegan CrowleyTegan Crowley
Tegan Crowley was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Cammy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Natalia NespecaNatalia Nespeca
Natalia Nespeca was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Gen'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Debbie ChiuchiarelliDebbie Chiuchiarelli
Debbie Chiuchiarelli was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Angry woman'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Adam CiancioAdam Ciancio
Adam Ciancio was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rebecca SharrockRebecca Sharrock
Rebecca Sharrock was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Co-Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of MC Lord MagrãoMC Lord Magrão
MC Lord Magrão was
>> in One Dollar
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday