Poster of The case of the Catalans

The case of the Catalans

Plot: The film is based on Francesc de Castellví's pharaonic work "Narraciones históricas", about the War of Succession, and features journalist Mònica Terribas as narrator.
Release Date: Thursday, September 11 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Pere ArquilluéPere ArquilluéPere Arquillué was >> in The case of the Catalans as 'Antonio de Villarroel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nao AlbetNao AlbetNao Albet was 23 in The case of the Catalans as 'Carles III'.
Birthday: Mon, Dec 24 1990
Portrait of Àlex MonnerÀlex MonnerÀlex Monner was 19 in The case of the Catalans as 'Felip V'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 27 1995
Portrait of Lluís MarcoLluís MarcoLluís Marco was 65 in The case of the Catalans as 'Rafael Casanova'.
Birthday: Thu, Jun 02 1949


Portrait of Ventura DurallVentura DurallVentura Durall was >> in The case of the Catalans as 'Director, Script'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guillem SalaGuillem SalaGuillem Sala was >> in The case of the Catalans as 'Script'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jordi CabréJordi CabréJordi Cabré was >> in The case of the Catalans as 'Script'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday