Poster of Farrago


Plot: In 1984, Mike Cartmell began Narratives of Egypt, a four-part series that deals with the father in Prologue: Infinite Obscure, the son in In the form of the letter “X”, the lover in Cartouche, and wraps it all up in Farrago, a word meaning: a medley, a heap of fragments. Using a speculative etymology, Cartmell “adopts” the American writer Herman Melville as his father, using selected passages to ruminate on death, language and paternity
Release Date: Sunday, July 12 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Mike HoolboomMike Hoolboom
Mike Hoolboom was
56 in Farrago
as 'Director'
Thu, Jan 01 1959
Portrait of Herman MelvilleHerman Melville
Herman Melville would have been no older than
72 in Farrago
as 'Writer'
Sun, Aug 01 1819 –
Mon, Sep 28 1891