Poster of To the Edge of Sorrow

To the Edge of Sorrow

Plot: A Jewish teenager who managed to escape from the Nazis and found refuge in the mountains where he took part in an organized resistance movement along with other Jewish of diverse backgrounds and generations.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Cosmina StratanCosmina StratanCosmina Stratan may be 40+ in To the Edge of Sorrow
Birthday: Sat, Oct 20 1984


Portrait of Cristian MungiuCristian MungiuCristian Mungiu may be 56+ in To the Edge of Sorrow as 'Director'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 27 1968
Portrait of Valerie ZenattiValerie ZenattiValerie Zenatti may be >> in To the Edge of Sorrow as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michel SpinosaMichel SpinosaMichel Spinosa may be >> in To the Edge of Sorrow as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday