Poster of Youngstown Boys

Youngstown Boys

Plot: "Youngstown Boys" explores class and power dynamics in college sports through the parallel, interconnected journeys of one-time dynamic running back Maurice Clarett and former elite head coach Jim Tressel. Clarett and Tressel emerged from opposite sides of the tracks in Youngstown, Ohio, and then joined for a magical season at Ohio State University in 2002 that produced the first national football championship for the school in over 30 years
Release Date: Saturday, December 14 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Jim TresselJim Tressel
Jim Tressel was
>> in Youngstown Boys
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maurice ClarettMaurice Clarett
Maurice Clarett was
>> in Youngstown Boys
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Michael ZimbalistMichael Zimbalist
Michael Zimbalist was
33 in Youngstown Boys
as 'Director, Writer, Producer, Editor'
Sun, Jan 20 1980
Portrait of Jeff ZimbalistJeff Zimbalist
Jeff Zimbalist was
35 in Youngstown Boys
as 'Director, Writer, Producer, Editor, Director of Photography'
Tue, Aug 15 1978