Poster of Maska


Plot: "Maska" is the latest animated film of Quay brothers, directors and puppet animators, with the music composed by Krzysztof Penderecki. The film is an adaptation of Stanisław Lem’s short story of the same title
Release Date: Saturday, March 27 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Magdalena CieleckaMagdalena Cielecka
Magdalena Cielecka was
38 in Maska
as '(voice)'.
Sun, Feb 20 1972


Portrait of Stephen QuayStephen Quay
Stephen Quay was
62 in Maska
as 'Director, Writer'
Tue, Jun 17 1947
Portrait of Timothy QuayTimothy Quay
Timothy Quay was
62 in Maska
as 'Director, Writer'
Tue, Jun 17 1947
Portrait of Stanisław LemStanisław Lem
Stanisław Lem would have been no older than
84 in Maska
as 'Writer'
Mon, Sep 12 1921 –
Mon, Mar 27 2006
Portrait of Michał MerczyńskiMichał Merczyński
Michał Merczyński was
>> in Maska
as 'Co-Producer'
Unknown Birthday