Poster of Invunche


Plot: The story follows Juan, a Carabineros captain who settles in southern Chile with his teenage daughter Emilia, in an inhospitable town marked by family tension and the mysterious murder and discovery of the body of Paula, a young woman who disappeared in the area.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Marcelo AlonsoMarcelo Alonso
Marcelo Alonso may be
55+ in Invunche
as 'Juan'.
Wed, Mar 19 1969
Portrait of Consuelo CarreñoConsuelo Carreño
Consuelo Carreño may be
29+ in Invunche
as 'Emilia'.
Sun, Jan 01 1995


Portrait of Rodrigo SusarteRodrigo Susarte
Rodrigo Susarte may be
>> in Invunche
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday