Poster of AI


Plot: In the almost two-minute film AI, which Lucrecia Martel created at the Viennale’s invitation, a single shifty eye looks out from a heavily pixelated image; a mouth is vaguely visible and declares: “I am not completely like other people. ” Is AI coming to life here, entering a world that’s still foreign to it and that crackles, scratches and echoes? And how does our view of this eerie image change, knowing that the pixels are superimposed on a historical recording from 1961 that documents the anamnesis of a catatonic schizophrenic?
Release Date: Saturday, September 21 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Lucrecia MartelLucrecia MartelLucrecia Martel was 52 in AI as 'Director, Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Wed, Dec 14 1966
Portrait of Manuel de AndrésManuel de AndrésManuel de Andrés was >> in AI as 'Sound Designer, Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gerardo KalmarGerardo KalmarGerardo Kalmar was >> in AI as 'Sound Designer, Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guido BerenblumGuido BerenblumGuido Berenblum was >> in AI as 'Sound Mixer, Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julian StirparoJulian StirparoJulian Stirparo was >> in AI as 'Additional Visual Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday