Poster of Maestro


Plot: Set against the backdrop of a 1960s jungle seaport in tropical Australia and the rich concert halls of wintry Vienna, talented eighteen year old pianist Paul Crabbe moves to an exotic outpost of far Northern Australia. There, he is forced to study under the only piano teacher his father can find – the eccentric, enigmatic Herr Keller, a Viennese refugee with a shadowed past
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Klaus Maria BrandauerKlaus Maria Brandauer
Klaus Maria Brandauer may be
81+ in Maestro
as 'Herr Keller'.
Tue, Jun 22 1943
Portrait of Madeleine MaddenMadeleine Madden
Madeleine Madden may be
27+ in Maestro
as 'Rosie'.
Wed, Jan 29 1997
Portrait of Frank DillaneFrank Dillane
Frank Dillane may be
33+ in Maestro
as 'Paul Crabbe'.
Sun, Apr 21 1991


Portrait of Catherine JarvisCatherine Jarvis
Catherine Jarvis may be
>> in Maestro
as 'Screenplay, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Peter GoldsworthyPeter Goldsworthy
Peter Goldsworthy may be
>> in Maestro
as 'Novel'
Unknown Birthday