Poster of A Brother and 7 Siblings

A Brother and 7 Siblings

Plot: After the untimely death of his older siblings, a struggling young architect suddenly becomes a "single parent" for his nephews. When the opportunity for a better life arises, he must choose between his love life, career, or his nephews
Release Date: Thursday, January 23 2025
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Portrait of Chicco KurniawanChicco Kurniawan
Chicco Kurniawan will be
30 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Moko'.
Mon, May 16 1994
Portrait of Amanda RawlesAmanda Rawles
Amanda Rawles will be
24 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Maurin'.
Fri, Aug 25 2000
Portrait of Fatih UnruFatih Unru
Fatih Unru will be
19 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Woko'.
Thu, Jul 07 2005
Portrait of Freya JayawardanaFreya Jayawardana
Freya Jayawardana will be
18 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Nina'.
Mon, Feb 13 2006
Portrait of Ahmad NadifAhmad Nadif
Ahmad Nadif will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Ano'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kawai LabibaKawai Labiba
Kawai Labiba will be
21 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Gadis'.
Fri, Jul 04 2003
Portrait of Niken AnjaniNiken Anjani
Niken Anjani will be
37 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Osa'.
Tue, Aug 18 1987
Portrait of Ringgo Agus RahmanRinggo Agus Rahman
Ringgo Agus Rahman will be
42 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Eka'.
Thu, Aug 12 1982
Portrait of Kiki NarendraKiki Narendra
Kiki Narendra will be
45 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Atmo'.
Thu, Jun 28 1979
Portrait of Maudy KoesnaediMaudy Koesnaedi
Maudy Koesnaedi will be
49 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Agnes'.
Tue, Apr 08 1975
Portrait of Ence BagusEnce Bagus
Ence Bagus will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Nanang'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tahlia MotikTahlia Motik
Tahlia Motik will be
30 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Suster #1'.
Fri, May 06 1994
Portrait of Sarah MawlaSarah Mawla
Sarah Mawla will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Suster #2'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sheila DaraSheila Dara
Sheila Dara will be
32 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Arsitek Senior'.
Thu, Sep 24 1992
Portrait of David BrendiDavid Brendi
David Brendi will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'David'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chandra SatriaChandra Satria
Chandra Satria will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Albert'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reza NanginReza Nangin
Reza Nangin will be
41 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Sam'.
Wed, Mar 23 1983
Portrait of Kartika WidyaKartika Widya
Kartika Widya will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Erna'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nizar Umar AkbarNizar Umar Akbar
Nizar Umar Akbar will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Bayu'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Neysa AnandaNeysa Ananda
Neysa Ananda will be
31 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Dokter Anak'.
Fri, Dec 03 1993
Portrait of Amanda GondowijoyoAmanda Gondowijoyo
Amanda Gondowijoyo will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Admin Rumah Sakit'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mariana ResliMariana Resli
Mariana Resli will be
35 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Moderator Sidang'.
Sun, Aug 13 1989
Portrait of Prisca CharityPrisca Charity
Prisca Charity will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Dokter Jaga'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adinegoro NatsirAdinegoro Natsir
Adinegoro Natsir will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Manager Restoran'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sri SuhartiniSri Suhartini
Sri Suhartini will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Suster Bayi'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dimar HanDimar Han
Dimar Han will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Alif'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Muhammad Faisal AshrafMuhammad Faisal Ashraf
Muhammad Faisal Ashraf will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Dokter Muda'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Yandy LaurensYandy Laurens
Yandy Laurens will be
35 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Writer, Director'
Sun, Apr 09 1989
Portrait of Nanda GiriNanda Giri
Nanda Giri will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Casting Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dimas Bagus Triatma YogaDimas Bagus Triatma Yoga
Dimas Bagus Triatma Yoga will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Abet FahmiAbet Fahmi
Abet Fahmi will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'First Assistant Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Utari NovitaUtari Novita
Utari Novita will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Second Assistant Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lavesh SamtaniLavesh Samtani
Lavesh Samtani will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Producer, Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Manoj Kumar SamtaniManoj Kumar Samtani
Manoj Kumar Samtani will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Deepak G. SamtaniDeepak G. Samtani
Deepak G. Samtani will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Suryana ParamitaSuryana Paramita
Suryana Paramita will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lisbeth SimarmataLisbeth Simarmata
Lisbeth Simarmata will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Iman UsmanIman Usman
Iman Usman will be
33 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Sat, Dec 21 1991
Portrait of Tony RameshTony Ramesh
Tony Ramesh will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bobby MulaniBobby Mulani
Bobby Mulani will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Futih AljihadiFutih Aljihadi
Futih Aljihadi will be
34 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Sun, Feb 18 1990
Portrait of Aji PratomoAji Pratomo
Aji Pratomo will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Trivet SembelTrivet Sembel
Trivet Sembel will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Garry LimanataGarry Limanata
Garry Limanata will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Irwan SandradyIrwan Sandrady
Irwan Sandrady will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Meryl AmarilisMeryl Amarilis
Meryl Amarilis will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Line Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hendra Adhi SusantoHendra Adhi Susanto
Hendra Adhi Susanto will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ofel ObajaOfel Obaja
Ofel Obaja will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ernaka Puspita DewiErnaka Puspita Dewi
Ernaka Puspita Dewi will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Makeup Artist'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Satrio BudionoSatrio Budiono
Satrio Budiono will be
53 in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Sound Designer'
Mon, Nov 08 1971
Portrait of Arswendo AtmowilotoArswendo Atmowiloto
Arswendo Atmowiloto will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Adaptation'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dita GambiroDita Gambiro
Dita Gambiro will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lidya NataliaLidya Natalia
Lidya Natalia will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Binawan UtamaBinawan Utama
Binawan Utama will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Visual Effects Supervisor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tommy FahrizalTommy Fahrizal
Tommy Fahrizal will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Sound Recordist'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Grace FeliciaGrace Felicia
Grace Felicia will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Production Manager'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yehuda AribowoYehuda Aribowo
Yehuda Aribowo will be
>> in A Brother and 7 Siblings
as 'Colorist'
Unknown Birthday