Poster of Once Upon a Time...

Once Upon a Time...

Plot: In 1913, designer Coco Chanel opens her first boutique in the French city of Deauville.
Release Date: Wednesday, May 8 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Keira KnightleyKeira Knightley
Keira Knightley was
28 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Gabrielle Chanel'.
Tue, Mar 26 1985
Portrait of Clotilde HesmeClotilde Hesme
Clotilde Hesme was
33 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Adrienne Chanel'.
Mon, Jul 30 1979
Portrait of Ashleigh GoodAshleigh Good
Ashleigh Good was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Jacqueline Forzane'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lindsey WixsonLindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Miss Wonderbilt'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tallulah HarlechTallulah Harlech
Tallulah Harlech was
24 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Ève Lavallière'.
Mon, May 16 1988
Portrait of Caroline De MaigretCaroline De Maigret
Caroline De Maigret was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Ida Rubinstein'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stella TennantStella Tennant
Stella Tennant was
42 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Lady De Grey'.
Thu, Dec 17 1970 –
Tue, Dec 22 2020
Portrait of Lady Amanda HarlechLady Amanda Harlech
Lady Amanda Harlech was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'A Lady of Society'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Saskia de BrauwSaskia de Brauw
Saskia de Brauw was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Vita Sackeville-West'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jamie BochertJamie Bochert
Jamie Bochert was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Marquise Luisa Casati / Catherine Pozzi'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hudson KroenigHudson Kroenig
Hudson Kroenig was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'André Palasse'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jake DaviesJake Davies
Jake Davies was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Boy Capel'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brad KroenigBrad Kroenig
Brad Kroenig was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Étienne Balsan'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Saïg OllivierSaïg Ollivier
Saïg Ollivier was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Sem'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sébastien JondeauSébastien Jondeau
Sébastien Jondeau was
>> in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Georges Carpentier'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Baptiste GiabiconiBaptiste Giabiconi
Baptiste Giabiconi was
23 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Eduardo Martinez De Hoz'.
Thu, Nov 09 1989


Portrait of Karl LagerfeldKarl Lagerfeld
Karl Lagerfeld was
79 in Once Upon a Time...
as 'Writer, Director'
Sun, Sep 10 1933 –
Tue, Feb 19 2019