Poster of Godsend


Plot: After surviving a world wide cataclysmic event, new companions Carson and Liza band together on a quest to find safety in the city of Montauk. Finding some solace in their new way life they soon realize the real test of survival will come not by outside influences but from within themselves
Release Date: Thursday, January 14 2016
9 years ago
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Portrait of Kari FabianKari FabianKari Fabian was >> in Godsend as 'Tori'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brandon RunionBrandon RunionBrandon Runion was >> in Godsend as 'Man'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Brandon RunionBrandon RunionBrandon Runion was >> in Godsend as 'Director, Writer, Special Effects Manager, Casting Director, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday