Poster of Schengen


Plot: In one Paris divided militarily into two like was the former Berlin Est-Ouest, Ines Raymond receives from the right bank people who ask for a visa for the left bank. Each have their reasons and dreams for crossing the Seine, but, Ines must follow the new instructions
Release Date: Sunday, January 29 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Claudia TagboClaudia Tagbo
Claudia Tagbo was
38 in Schengen
as 'Inès'.
Thu, Jun 14 1973
Portrait of Marie-Anne MestreMarie-Anne Mestre
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>> in Schengen
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Florent ArnoultFlorent Arnoult
Florent Arnoult was
23 in Schengen
Sun, Jan 08 1989
Portrait of Marie-Christine OrryMarie-Christine Orry
Marie-Christine Orry was
52 in Schengen
Fri, May 22 1959
Portrait of Sophie LetourneurSophie Letourneur
Sophie Letourneur was
34 in Schengen
Sun, Jan 01 1978
Portrait of Rabah Nait OufellaRabah Nait Oufella
Rabah Nait Oufella was
19 in Schengen
Thu, Dec 03 1992
Portrait of Thomas KlotzThomas Klotz
Thomas Klotz was
>> in Schengen
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julia ArtamonovJulia Artamonov
Julia Artamonov was
>> in Schengen
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cédric VieiraCédric Vieira
Cédric Vieira was
>> in Schengen
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Johanna BahJohanna Bah
Johanna Bah was
>> in Schengen
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Annarita ZambranoAnnarita Zambrano
Annarita Zambrano was
>> in Schengen
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday