Poster of Shadow of the Cat

Shadow of the Cat

Plot: Gato lives on a remote farm with his teenage daughter Emma where without even basic communications tools they’re entirely cut off from the outside world. But once Emma comes into possession of a phone, she’s contacted by a party claiming to be working on behalf of her mother, who her father claimed abandoned her at birth
Release Date: Thursday, August 26 2021
3 years ago
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Danny TrejoDanny Trejo
Danny Trejo was
77 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Sombra'.
Tue, May 16 1944
Portrait of Guillermo ZapataGuillermo Zapata
Guillermo Zapata was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Gato'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Miguel Ángel SoláMiguel Ángel Solá
Miguel Ángel Solá was
71 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Otto'.
Sun, May 14 1950
Portrait of Mónica AntonópulosMónica Antonópulos
Mónica Antonópulos was
39 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Celia'.
Fri, Jan 08 1982
Portrait of Griselda SánchezGriselda Sánchez
Griselda Sánchez was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Kimana'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maite LanataMaite Lanata
Maite Lanata was
21 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Emma'.
Fri, Apr 21 2000
Portrait of Rita CorteseRita Cortese
Rita Cortese was
72 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Ana'.
Fri, Aug 05 1949
Portrait of Roberto PeloniRoberto Peloni
Roberto Peloni was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Francis'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luis MachínLuis Machín
Luis Machín was
53 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Enfermero'.
Wed, Apr 10 1968
Portrait of Santiago DominguezSantiago Dominguez
Santiago Dominguez was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Samuel'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Candelaria MolfeseCandelaria Molfese
Candelaria Molfese was
30 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Brenda'.
Thu, Jan 03 1991
Portrait of Eduardo CalvoEduardo Calvo
Eduardo Calvo was
59 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Rafaela'.
Sun, Mar 25 1962
Portrait of Ulises PuiggrósUlises Puiggrós
Ulises Puiggrós was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Drag 1'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hernán CuevasHernán Cuevas
Hernán Cuevas was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Drag 2'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sebastián PollastroSebastián Pollastro
Sebastián Pollastro was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Drag 3'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pablo AgustínPablo Agustín
Pablo Agustín was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Darkzen'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Clara KovacicClara Kovacic
Clara Kovacic was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Azafata'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Karl Heinz KrattigerKarl Heinz Krattiger
Karl Heinz Krattiger was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Alemán'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matías DesiderioMatías Desiderio
Matías Desiderio was
41 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Loco'.
Thu, Mar 27 1980
Portrait of Sergio LapegüeSergio Lapegüe
Sergio Lapegüe was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Conductor'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paola AgostinoPaola Agostino
Paola Agostino was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Conductora'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of José María CicalaJosé María Cicala
José María Cicala was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'General Manager, Screenplay, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juan Fernando PachecoJuan Fernando Pacheco
Juan Fernando Pacheco was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Co-Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Griselda SánchezGriselda Sánchez
Griselda Sánchez was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gustavo LencinaGustavo Lencina
Gustavo Lencina was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Damián RomayDamián Romay
Damián Romay was
43 in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Thu, Jan 19 1978
Portrait of Guillermo ZapataGuillermo Zapata
Guillermo Zapata was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fernando AbadiFernando Abadi
Fernando Abadi was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ignacio ReyIgnacio Rey
Ignacio Rey was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rocío GortRocío Gort
Rocío Gort was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel CalvoDaniel Calvo
Daniel Calvo was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maria Luisa ZanottiMaria Luisa Zanotti
Maria Luisa Zanotti was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nathalie Pouille ZapataNathalie Pouille Zapata
Nathalie Pouille Zapata was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maria Eva GomezMaria Eva Gomez
Maria Eva Gomez was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juan MansuetoJuan Mansueto
Juan Mansueto was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nahuel MaensoNahuel Maenso
Nahuel Maenso was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of April May JuneApril May June
April May June was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Abril CicalaAbril Cicala
Abril Cicala was
>> in Shadow of the Cat
as 'General Manager'
Unknown Birthday