Poster of Oxygen


Plot: In this era of globalization, the film aims to show the tragic image of the relationship between humans and nature, in other words, how humans are moving away from nature and nature from humans. In particular, the deeper humans enter into technical and technological development, the more they lose their humanity, and as a result, their ethnicity, heritage, and ultimately, themselves are destroyed to the point of not being able to recognize themselves
Release Date: Thursday, August 26 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Altanzul YondonAltanzul YondonAltanzul Yondon was >> in Oxygen
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Battushig AmarsanaaBattushig AmarsanaaBattushig Amarsanaa was >> in Oxygen
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Sengedorj JanchivdorjSengedorj JanchivdorjSengedorj Janchivdorj was 34 in Oxygen as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 16 1976
Portrait of Janchivdorj JamyansurenJanchivdorj JamyansurenJanchivdorj Jamyansuren was >> in Oxygen as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Uranchimeg GansukhUranchimeg GansukhUranchimeg Gansukh was >> in Oxygen as 'Co-Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Erdenebat BaatarErdenebat BaatarErdenebat Baatar was >> in Oxygen as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hasbazar BayaraaHasbazar BayaraaHasbazar Bayaraa was >> in Oxygen as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bayarsaikhan DambaBayarsaikhan DambaBayarsaikhan Damba was >> in Oxygen as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday