Poster of Revolutionize The World

Revolutionize The World

Plot: The story follows the protagonist Yun Shu, who is determined to find the whereabouts of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, to overthrow the tyrannical rule of Yan'er, the unruly monkey. During the search, Yun Shu gradually discovers that Sun Wukong's disappearance is connected to the Demon Lord's plot to break the seal and regain control of the Three Realms, with Yan'er being just a pawn in the Demon Lord's scheme
Release Date: Thursday, May 30 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Pakho ChauPakho Chau
Pakho Chau was
39 in Revolutionize The World
as 'Monkey King'.
Mon, Nov 12 1984
Portrait of Alex Fong Lik-SunAlex Fong Lik-Sun
Alex Fong Lik-Sun was
44 in Revolutionize The World
as 'Lik-Sun Fong'.
Tue, Feb 26 1980
Portrait of Andy ChenAndy Chen
Andy Chen was
37 in Revolutionize The World
Thu, Oct 16 1986
Portrait of He HuaHe Hua
He Hua was
34 in Revolutionize The World
Sat, May 19 1990
Portrait of Zhang DongZhang Dong
Zhang Dong was
>> in Revolutionize The World
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zhu ZiyueZhu Ziyue
Zhu Ziyue was
13 in Revolutionize The World
Mon, Mar 21 2011


Portrait of Frankie ChungFrankie Chung
Frankie Chung would have been no older than
>> in Revolutionize The World
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday –
Sat, Sep 18 2021