Poster of Mutant: Year Zero

Mutant: Year Zero

Plot: Based on the popular video game of the same name; set in a post-apocalyptic world, an unlikely team of animal-mutants, led by a witty duck and a gruff boar, set out on a dangerous mission to reclaim an essential generator stolen from their sanctuary, the Ark. Together, the group of scavengers uncover a deeper truth behind the Ark’s divisions, confront the oppressive regime of the Elder, and discover the secrets that could reshape their dystopian existence
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Dolph LundgrenDolph Lundgren
Dolph Lundgren may be
67+ in Mutant: Year Zero
as '(voice)'.
Sun, Nov 03 1957
Portrait of Ian McElhinneyIan McElhinney
Ian McElhinney may be
76+ in Mutant: Year Zero
as '(voice)'.
Thu, Aug 19 1948


Portrait of Hasraf DulullHasraf Dulull
Hasraf Dulull may be
>> in Mutant: Year Zero
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fred MalmbergFred Malmberg
Fred Malmberg may be
>> in Mutant: Year Zero
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paula CrickardPaula Crickard
Paula Crickard may be
>> in Mutant: Year Zero
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday