Poster of London Voodoo

London Voodoo

Plot: When ambitious analyst Lincoln Mathers (played by Doug Cockle) relocates his family from New York to London, his wife Sarah (Sara Stewart) discovers a new disturbing power and becomes hostage to an ancient spirit. As Mathers notices that the family is tearing apart and that his wife's behavior becomes more violent and erratic, he accepts that to save the woman he married he must take a leap of faith
Release Date: Monday, February 2 2004
20 years ago
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Portrait of Doug CockleDoug Cockle
Doug Cockle was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Lincoln Mathers'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sara StewartSara Stewart
Sara Stewart was
37 in London Voodoo
as 'Sarah'.
Tue, Jun 28 1966
Portrait of Michael NyqvistMichael Nyqvist
Michael Nyqvist was
43 in London Voodoo
as 'Magnus'.
Tue, Nov 08 1960 –
Tue, Jun 27 2017
Portrait of Trisha MortimerTrisha Mortimer
Trisha Mortimer was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Fiona'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sven-Bertil TaubeSven-Bertil Taube
Sven-Bertil Taube was
69 in London Voodoo
as 'Lars'.
Sat, Nov 24 1934 –
Fri, Nov 11 2022
Portrait of Grace SprottGrace Sprott
Grace Sprott was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Beth Mathers'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vonda BarnesVonda Barnes
Vonda Barnes was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Kelly'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacqueline BoatswainJacqueline Boatswain
Jacqueline Boatswain was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Ruth'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David WebberDavid Webber
David Webber was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Ray'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roy BorrettRoy Borrett
Roy Borrett was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Lee'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dickon TolsonDickon Tolson
Dickon Tolson was
30 in London Voodoo
as 'Jeff'.
Sat, Mar 24 1973


Portrait of Robert PrattenRobert Pratten
Robert Pratten was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Director, Music, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matt JesseeMatt Jessee
Matt Jessee was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrick JacksonPatrick Jackson
Patrick Jackson was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniela FaggioDaniela Faggio
Daniela Faggio was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rebecca PilkingtonRebecca Pilkington
Rebecca Pilkington was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joanna PrattJoanna Pratt
Joanna Pratt was
>> in London Voodoo
as 'Art Direction'
Unknown Birthday