Poster of The Return of the Light - The Beginning

The Return of the Light - The Beginning

Release Date: Thursday, April 15 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Júlia MarquesJúlia Marques
Júlia Marques was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Angela'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Victória MaranhoVictória Maranho
Victória Maranho was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Isis'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fábio Vila ViscondeFábio Vila Visconde
Fábio Vila Visconde was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Marcos'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Beatriz CampusBeatriz Campus
Beatriz Campus was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Katharina'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eduardo BodsteinEduardo Bodstein
Eduardo Bodstein was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Padre'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Diego AmaralDiego Amaral
Diego Amaral was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Astronauta'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bruno Lorenzetti FreitasBruno Lorenzetti Freitas
Bruno Lorenzetti Freitas was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Sacristäo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Flavio MicchiFlavio Micchi
Flavio Micchi was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Pilot F-5 E Boeing'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Deby SchutzeDeby Schutze
Deby Schutze was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Maria'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gastão CoimbraGastão Coimbra
Gastão Coimbra was
>> in The Return of the Light - The Beginning
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday