Poster of It Begins with the End

It Begins with the End

Plot: A woman, a man, a summer in Paris. Passion, break ups, reconciliations
Release Date: Wednesday, May 26 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Michaël CohenMichaël Cohen
Michaël Cohen was
39 in It Begins with the End
as 'Jean'.
Sun, Dec 13 1970
Portrait of Emmanuelle BéartEmmanuelle Béart
Emmanuelle Béart was
46 in It Begins with the End
as 'Gabrielle'.
Wed, Aug 14 1963
Portrait of Léopold KrausLéopold Kraus
Léopold Kraus was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'Le fils de Gabrielle'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Paul DuboisJean-Paul Dubois
Jean-Paul Dubois was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'Le serveur du café'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Marc MinéoJean-Marc Minéo
Jean-Marc Minéo was
52 in It Begins with the End
as 'Le patron du café'.
Sat, Mar 01 1958
Portrait of Daniel GirondeaudDaniel Girondeaud
Daniel Girondeaud was
30 in It Begins with the End
as 'Le serveur du café bagarre'.
Wed, Mar 12 1980
Portrait of Meiji U Tum'siMeiji U Tum'si
Meiji U Tum'si was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'La policière'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mikis CerieixMikis Cerieix
Mikis Cerieix was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'Le serveur du restaurant (as Mikis Ceriex)'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shane WoodwardShane Woodward
Shane Woodward was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'L'interne (as Shane Vives-Atsara Woodward)'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Michaël CohenMichaël Cohen
Michaël Cohen was
39 in It Begins with the End
as 'Screenplay, Director'
Sun, Dec 13 1970
Portrait of Sandy NotarianniSandy Notarianni
Sandy Notarianni was
>> in It Begins with the End
as 'Supervising Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday