Poster of Chuck Amuck: The Movie

Chuck Amuck: The Movie

Plot: Chuck Amuck: The Movie is a 1991 documentary film about Chuck Jones' career with Warner Bros. , centered on his work with Looney Tunes; narrated by Dick Vosburgh
Release Date: Wednesday, October 23 1991
33 years ago
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Portrait of Dick VosburghDick Vosburgh
Dick Vosburgh was
>> in Chuck Amuck: The Movie
as 'Narrator'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chuck JonesChuck Jones
Chuck Jones was
79 in Chuck Amuck: The Movie
as 'Himself'.
Sat, Sep 21 1912 –
Fri, Feb 22 2002


Portrait of John NeedhamJohn Needham
John Needham was
>> in Chuck Amuck: The Movie
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday