Poster of Sustenance


Plot: Sustenance is a feature-length documentary about food's journey around the world, exploring controversies revolving around food and its interconnectedness with justice, climate change, and sustainability.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Nora GedgaudasNora Gedgaudas
Nora Gedgaudas may be
>> in Sustenance
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yasi GeramiYasi Gerami
Yasi Gerami may be
>> in Sustenance
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Derrick JensenDerrick Jensen
Derrick Jensen may be
>> in Sustenance
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lierre KeithLierre Keith
Lierre Keith may be
>> in Sustenance
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Yasi GeramiYasi Gerami
Yasi Gerami may be
>> in Sustenance
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday