Poster of Miserable Miracle

Miserable Miracle

Plot: Directed by Japanese filmmaker Ryo Orikasa, this animated short was inspired by Henri Michaux’s book of poetry and drawings of the same name, about his experiences with mescaline. The film explores the limits of language and perception, creating connections between sound, meaning, shapes and movement
Release Date: Sunday, September 17 2023
1 year ago
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Portrait of Denis LavantDenis Lavant
Denis Lavant was
62 in Miserable Miracle
as 'Narrator (French)'.
Sat, Jun 17 1961
Portrait of Tony RobinowTony Robinow
Tony Robinow was
>> in Miserable Miracle
as 'Narrator (English)'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Ryo OrikasaRyo Orikasa
Ryo Orikasa was
>> in Miserable Miracle
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Henri MichauxHenri Michaux
Henri Michaux was
>> in Miserable Miracle
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday