Poster of Slaughtered Roommates

Slaughtered Roommates

Plot: Barbara Joyce as Rachael, Debbie D as Katie, and Vanessa Carlton as Lisa star as three unfortunate victims who face a crazed drug addict (Dean Paul) who wants his drugs! And he’ll do anything to get them! Lisa has a recurring nightmare about being kidnapped, along with her 2 roommates, and being sadistically murdered over and over again. You control the action and you decide what happens next! Each of them faces a terrible death and you decide their fate!
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Debbie DDebbie D
Debbie D may be
52+ in Slaughtered Roommates
Sun, Apr 30 1972
Portrait of Barbara JoyceBarbara Joyce
Barbara Joyce may be
>> in Slaughtered Roommates
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vanessa CarltonVanessa Carlton
Vanessa Carlton may be
>> in Slaughtered Roommates
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dean PaulDean Paul
Dean Paul may be
>> in Slaughtered Roommates
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gary WhitsonGary Whitson
Gary Whitson may be
>> in Slaughtered Roommates
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday