Poster of Introduction to Jazz

Introduction to Jazz

Plot: Introduction to Jazz was directed by film students in the newly formed Motion Picture Division at UCLA part of the Educational Film Sales Department. Shot on 16mm, the film meld impressionistic images of Black history and musical culture, with a narration of the history of Jazz
Release Date: Monday, January 1 1951
74 years ago
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Portrait of Frank WolffFrank WolffFrank Wolff was 22 in Introduction to Jazz as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Fri, May 11 1928 –
Sun, Dec 12 1971


Portrait of Denis SandersDenis SandersDenis Sanders was 21 in Introduction to Jazz as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Mon, Jan 21 1929 –
Thu, Dec 10 1987
Portrait of David SaxonDavid SaxonDavid Saxon was >> in Introduction to Jazz as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nesuhi ErtegünNesuhi ErtegünNesuhi Ertegün was >> in Introduction to Jazz as 'Technical Advisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Barry EddyBarry EddyBarry Eddy was >> in Introduction to Jazz as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Flora MockFlora MockFlora Mock was >> in Introduction to Jazz as 'Title Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday