Poster of Saga City

Saga City

Plot: This animated short tackles the twin issues of urban planning and climate change. Set in the imaginary city of Colvert, the film highlights the fact that the way a community is shaped and organized is an important factor in determining its energy consumption, and thus the quantity of greenhouse gases it releases into the atmosphere
Release Date: Tuesday, February 22 2011
14 years ago
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Portrait of Colm FeoreColm FeoreColm Feore was 52 in Saga City as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Fri, Aug 22 1958


Portrait of Luc ChamberlandLuc ChamberlandLuc Chamberland was >> in Saga City as 'Director, Co-Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christian PetitChristian PetitChristian Petit was >> in Saga City as 'Co-Writer, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday