Poster of The Rep - A Documentary

The Rep - A Documentary

Plot: Follows the first year of business for Alex, Charlie, and Nigel as they try to make their theatre, The Toronto Underground Cinema, a success in the dying world of repertory cinema. The film also places the cinema in context to the larger world of rep
Release Date: Wednesday, October 17 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Colin BruntonColin Brunton
Colin Brunton was
57 in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Sun, Jul 31 1955
Portrait of Nigel AgnewNigel Agnew
Nigel Agnew was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Keith AltomareKeith Altomare
Keith Altomare was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Atom EgoyanAtom Egoyan
Atom Egoyan was
52 in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Tue, Jul 19 1960
Portrait of Colin GeddesColin Geddes
Colin Geddes was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bruce GoldsteinBruce Goldstein
Bruce Goldstein was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sedwick HillSedwick Hill
Sedwick Hill was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dan HalstedDan Halsted
Dan Halsted was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dennis JacksonDennis Jackson
Dennis Jackson was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Morgan WhiteMorgan White
Morgan White was
>> in The Rep - A Documentary
as 'Editor, Writer, Director, Producer'
Unknown Birthday