Christoph SchaubChristoph Schaub was
34 in At the End of the Night
as 'Director'
Thu, Feb 20 1958
Ciro CappellariCiro Cappellari was
32 in At the End of the Night
as 'Director of Photography'
Thu, Sep 10 1959
Martin WitzMartin Witz was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Susann RüdlingerSusann Rüdlinger was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Myriam FluryMyriam Flury was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Fee LiechtiFee Liechti was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Thomas BächliThomas Bächli was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Dorothee SchmidDorothee Schmid was
>> in At the End of the Night
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday