Poster of Oublier Charlotte

Oublier Charlotte

Plot: This psychological horror thriller tells the story of Penelope, a new mother who does not sleep. Tracked down by the thief of a convenience store whose mischief she witnessed, she finds refuge in an unhealthy affair with an ex-lover, leaving behind her son and her partner at the same time
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Rose-Marie PerreaultRose-Marie Perreault
Rose-Marie Perreault may be
>> in Oublier Charlotte
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Simon Landry-DésySimon Landry-Désy
Simon Landry-Désy may be
>> in Oublier Charlotte
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Chloé Cinq-MarsChloé Cinq-Mars
Chloé Cinq-Mars may be
>> in Oublier Charlotte
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicolas ComeauNicolas Comeau
Nicolas Comeau may be
>> in Oublier Charlotte
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Marc FröhleJean-Marc Fröhle
Jean-Marc Fröhle may be
>> in Oublier Charlotte
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday